Thursday, June 5, 2008

The Skies of Rosenberg

I could go for SC right about now.

Welcome to our new blog and the first post! Sonia and I were in the office this past week, chatting about travels since we were both preparing to leave again and we exchanged funny stories and laughed so hard that I thought we should document all our fun, crazy adventures so we don't forget some of these things. Sonia promised she'd help me with this blog and since we're beginning to do more trips solo, I'm sure she'll have her fair share of stories to tell. Like today in SC. I hope to see THAT story here soon.

As you can see, it was quite cloudy in Rosenberg (TX). The wind was very brisk and actually moved me a bit a number of times. It's unusual all this gusting wind but at least it breaks up the hot, humid air. I always feel like jumping into a nice, refreshing pool lately. Too bad we don't have one!

This is one of the perks of travel -- visits to the Starbucks. We don't have one in Seguin and the only "coffee shop" in town typically closes early so you can't go and just hang out with a cup of joe in town. Unless you do it in your own home I guess. Sonia, we should probably sign up for their perks program!!! (Speaking of perks programs, that'd make a great post. I now have like 8 different programs in which I'm registered in order to get rewards. It's crazy.)

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