Saturday, November 28, 2009

Bolton, Mississippi

Lovely Bolton, MS

Does it get any prettier than this? Wow, I really loved our visit to Bolton! We went there to pick up ten beehives that we purchased from renowned bee-man, J.N. Russell, and we'll head back there next week to get our the other ten. Neither Mark nor I had been to that part of Mississippi before so we were looking forward to seeing what it was like. We weren't disappointed with the scenery. It's so lovely! The rolling hills, the tall trees...loved it! You can check out our bee blog for more shots and information about our beekeeping trip.

Here's another shot I really liked. Love the variety of trees there because it reminds me of home - North Carolina.

Prepping hives

1 comment:

Unknown said...

you met my grandfather he passed away this last december ty for working with hi and doing what you do with the bee's if you would like to contact me back email me at